I thought it might be fun to share some photography tips with you as I learn them. There are lots of little tricks that anyone can apply to their photography that will really make a difference.
What I want to show you today is how your pictures are affected when you change the size for print. Your camera will take your pictures in 2×3 format, which means if you print a 4×6, it will look the same as your digital file. However, if you change the size of the print to a 5×7 or an 8×10, you will lose some of your picture.
The top picture below is 4×6 and is right out of camera. The 2nd picture has been converted to 8×10. Do you see how much of the top and bottom is lost? It’s quite a difference.
So when you take pictures that you might want to blow up to 8×10 or bigger, be sure to leave room on the long ends so your subject doesn’t get cut off. You may find that if you hire a professional photographer who gives you digital images that they are not as zoomed in as you would like and this is because a good photographer will leave room for this type of print cropping. This happened to us recently with some holiday photos we had taken. I loved the images on the disk but when I got back the 8×10 print, our feet had been cut off. Lesson learned!
skye - Love the new website! Great job! And love these pictures in Cabo. I really wouldn’t mind visiting! Actually I wouldn’t mind visiting anywhere warm right now haha!
Piper - We LOVE our place in Cabo, but these make me reconsider. Wow-action packed and so beautiful!
Branson - So many great photos!! I am ready for SUMMER! (or at least spring! haha)
Misty - so sweet