This post is for all the mamas out there who stress out about their photo shoots not going perfectly. Piper from Coconut and Bean (awesome blog, please go read) is a good friend of mine so she said she was cool with me showing you some behind the scenes pics of our recent Valentine’s Day shoot with her girls. I thought this might give you a chuckle and show that not all shoots run like well oiled machines. Can I please add that I made the HUGE mistake of bringing my own kids to this session as well as shooting it while sick. Two things I learned very quickly don’t work! Please enjoy the following “outtakes” but don’t miss out on some of the winners we got towards the end. 😉
I call these “the pass out”, “the silly faces”, “the you are crazy lady” alongside “the sister strangle” and the best one… “the seriously?'”
All kidding aside, I love these girls and despite the challenges we caught some sweet moments and had some serious giggles!
Piper - This is BEYOND brilliant, I can’t stop laughing. Priceless!
PS-LOVE the goodies at the end, totally worth the madness:)